Burner systems / industrial burners

A burner system includes:
1. A gas burner or burners.
2. Control and protective fittings.
3. A controller or regulator.

TTE PiecoSerwis Co. Ltd. offers:
- conventional burners
- high velocity burners
- recuperative burners (also available in a block version)
- regenerative burners in cooperation with ICS (www.ics.eu)

PTC PiecoSerwis Sp. z o. o. offers (temperature division):
- for heating furnaces t = 750°C ÷ 1250°C
- for firing of the ceramics and melting furnaces t > 1250°C
- for ovens t<350C - for furnaces t < 750°C

We have experience in design, construction, start-ups and servicing burner systems with a power from several kW to several MW.

We also offer delivery and exchange of ceramic deposits of regenerative burners (regenerators).

Detailed information can be obtained from:

Direct contact to project leader:

Contact to secretarial staff:

We invite You to read the article:
PI-13 Palniki przemysłowe - PUBLIKACJE
PI-14 Systemy palnikowe - PUBLIKACJE